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Hope Haven International
For over 50 years, Hope Haven has been assisting people with disabilities, and we’ve had success in developing and implementing new services in response to people’s needs. You can find our services in over 30 communities around the Midwest. Additionally, our services are accredited and highly commended for their quality by the Commission on Accreditation of Rehabilitation Facilities.
Innovative job training programs for people with disabilities have been central to our programs, and we work with Iowa Creative Employment Options to develop statewide models. Not only do we excel in helping people with disabilities, we also provide the following services:
• Community Living Services and Support
• Vocational Services and Job Placement
• Mental Health & Recovery
• Children and Family Services
• Religious Services
Since 1994, Hope Haven International has been manufacturing and distributing wheelchairs to children and adults worldwide. For many of these people, owning a wheelchair in their country is a luxury. To date, 123,208 wheelchairs have been distributed to people in 108 countries. Beginning in the small town of Rock Valley and expanding to Sioux Falls, SD, we are making a significant impact in the world—and you can too! Our ministry is continuously working to help people with disabilities reach their full potential! We do this by developing opportunities to improve the economic position, social welfare, and independence of people with disabilities. We work closely with relief and development organizations, mission groups, and individuals in various countries to deliver wheelchairs to those in desperate need.
Additional Locations Include:
1800 19th Street PO Box 70
Rock Valley, IA 51247
Office Hours: 8-4:30, M-F