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Hospital, Norton County (KS)
the Norton County Hospital and Doctors Clinic is a 25-bed critical access hospital and rural health clinic providing medical services for residents in Norton County and surrounding Kansas and Nebraska communities. Our mission: Caring, Commitment, Community is lived each and every day.
Acute Nursing:
25-bed Med/Surg rooms that provide care for .post-surgical and orthopedic rehabilitation patients, medical patients, cardiac /telemetry patients, infectious patients and self-pay patients.
Obstetrics / Nursery
Emergency / Outpatient Department
Surgery / Recovery Room
Chemotherapy / Tysabri treatments
Swing Bed provides care for patients, who no longer require specialized rehabilitative or restorative services. These patients are cared for by the staff on the Med/Surg floor.
Chemotherapy – We provide our patients with excellent care, along with education while undergoing treatment of an intravenous chemotherapy infusion. Many chemotherapy agents are managed here at Norton County Hospital. Tysabri IV for MS and Remicade for other disorders are just a few of our intravenous treatments that we offer.
Emergency Room – The Emergency Room is staffed 24-hours a day by registered nurses that have specialized training in trauma, burns and rural emergency nursing, as well as specific procedures needed to care for all types of medical problems.
Health Information Management – The Health Information Management (HIM)Department is responsible for processing, Indexing and filing all medical records.
Infection Control – We provide our patients and employees information and education on infectious diseases
Labor & Delivery Services:
Pre-admission: The OB department is also ready to help our patients, both before and after your baby arrives. A few weeks before your due date, all expectant mothers will need to set aside a time for pre-admission paperwork and a optional tour of the Birthing suite.
Prenatal Information Packet: During your pregnancy, you will receive a Prenatal Packet from your Physician at the Doctors Clinic. This packet is full of important information to help you make decisions for when your baby arrives. Other information included in the packet includes a Birth Certificate worksheet, visiting policies, breast and bottle feeding options and where to get your car seat inspected.
Breastfeeding Education: We have several Breastfeeding Educators and Advocates to offer any help or information you may need prior to delivery and after your baby has arrived.
Prenatal/Birthing Class: Prenatal classes are offered bi-monthly and remain FREE as a part of your Labor and Delivery package. Each family will encouraged to attend a Prenatal Class taught by Certified Birthing and Breastfeeding Educators.
Newborn Hearing Screening: Before discharge to home, a Newborn Hearing Screening is performed to catch early hearing and speech problems.
Physical Therapy:
Physical Therapy provides health care services to patients of all ages and health conditions. The overall goal of Physical Therapy is to achieve the highest level of function and independence. Norton County Hospital Physical Therapy Department provides services to outpatients as well as hospital inpatients in acute, skilled and intermediate levels. The PT department is staffed by two Physical Therapy Assistants who work under the supervision and direction of a consulting Physical Therapist. The department is open Monday thru Friday 7:00 am to 4:00 pm.
With a physician's order, patients are seen for evaluation and establishment of a plan of care. Treatment may include modalities for pain control, muscle re-education and functional limitations. An exercise program may be initiated for post-surgical, muscle weakness or imbalance. Patient education may be included to cover mobility, posture, body mechanics and ergonomics. Norton County Hospital Physical Therapy staff offers an eight-week water aerobic class each summer at the city pool. They offer a low impact class and a higher cardiac impact class. This has been a great success over the past years with a wide variety of ages participating each summer.
Radiology – Radiology services offered on-site at NCH include:
Computed tomography (CT)
Diagnostic radiography & fluoroscopy
EKG & Treadmill testing
Mobile services offered include:
Nuclear Medicine
DEXA scanning (bone density)
Social Service And Discharge Planning:
Our teams of professionals are available to assist with the physical, mental and psychosocial needs related to your illness and hospital stay. We are also concerned about your care and well-being after you leave the hospital. We will assist you and your family in planning for continuing care that may be needed after dismissal from the hospital. The plan will be coordinated with the physician and other members of the health care team involved in your care.
Our team consists of nursing, discharge planning coordinator, social service staff, dietary, physical therapy, respiratory therapy and swing bed coordinator. They can provide information and help in arranging a variety of services to help you with your recovery such as skilled swing bed, home care services, assisted living, nursing home or long term care facility, Hospice, financial assistance and the Area Agency on Aging Services.L CLINIC
Outpatient Clinics include:
Ears, Nose & Throat
Please visit our website or Contact Us for more information:
Norton Medical Clinic:
807 N. State Street
Norton KS. 67654
Phone: (785) 877-3305
Norton County Hospital: