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Hospital, Russell Regional (KS)
At Russell Regional Hospital we are proud to offer very dedicated and highly trained staff to provide quality healthcare in the area. Russell Regional Hospital, along with the physician's clinic and the specialty clinic, is able to bring the type of health services that you would expect while "staying home" and not having to travel a long distance. The weekday morning Walk-in Clinic allows you to see a doctor without having to schedule an appointment in advance. The monthly Health Fair is a great service to our community at a discounted price. Service include but are not limited to:
Inpatient Services: Services may include, but are not limited to the following:
Pre and Post Surgical Care
Medical Services
Cardiac Monitoring
Intravenous Therapy
Case Management
Cardiopulmonary Care
Physical Therapy
Occupational Therapy
Speech Therapy
Social Services
Dietary Consultation
Patient/Family Education
PICC Line Insertion and Maintenance
Main Street Manor- provides a safe and supportive environment in which people who need help with their physical activities can get the support they need. We foster a special blend of health care, wellness, companionship and community.
Main Street Manor has both private and semi-private rooms. You’ll find a wonderful gift shop in the hospital lobby, a beauty salon, sunroom with large-screen TV, dining area that overlooks Russell’s Main Street, activity area, and a private dining area to meet family and friends.
Activities- Main Street Manor is rich in both history and personality, and offers a wide array of on-site social activities and religious services, including:
Crafts and Games
Live entertainment
Cooking/Baking Events
Resident Council Meetings
Special Birthday Celebrations
Family & Friends
Monthly Resident Council meetings give our residents the opportunity to voice their opinions and influence operations.
Outpatient Services – Outpatient Services is a flexible department that offers many services. The main goal of the department is to offer short-term care and patient education for minor problems that need more care than an office visit, but not appropriate for the emergency room. Minor needs may include injections, IV fluids to treat dehydration, blood transfusions or IV antibiotics to treat infections. (For the safety of the patient, all first time administration of medications requires the patient to stay and be monitored for 30 minutes.)
The department also provides wound care and monitoring. Small surgical procedures requiring local anesthesia are often done. An additional service is the follow up care with oncology patients receiving injections between scheduled chemotherapy sessions. Many oncology patients have indwelling ports that need flushed on a regular basis. At the time of the flush, lab work can be drawn for the convenience and comfort of the patient. Receiving these services at a local facility often prevents a drive out of town.
The Rehab Department – offers Physical Therapy, Occupational Therapy, and Speech Therapy services in Acute Care, Swing-Bed, Long-Term Care and Outpatient settings. Massage Therapy and Intermediate Fitness are offered in an Outpatient setting by private pay. The Athletic Training/Sports Medicine program is offered throughout the school year. Russell Regional Hospital's Rehabilitation Department offers a number of services. Those offered include:
Cardiac Rehabilitation
Intermediate Fitness
Massage Therapy
Occupational Therapy
Physical Therapy
Speech Language Therapy
Respiratory Therapy – We provide both inpatient and outpatient services. For inpatients we provide aerosol, IPPB, and MDI treatments, overnight and continuous pulse oximetry, non-invasive bi-level ventilation, arterial blood gases, incentive spirometry, and chest physiotherapy. For outpatients we perform EKGs, holter monitors, pulmonary function studies, and aerosol treatments. We also are involved in patient education about various lung diseases such as; COPD, asthma, emphysema, chronic bronchitis, and cystic fibrosis, as well as smoking cessation counseling.
Social Services – is committed to enhancing the well-being of patients served and helping patients obtain needed services to better provide for their needs following their hospital stay. We are available to educate patients and families of available resources, and assists in obtaining those resources.
Swingbed – Russell Regional Hospital has a Swingbed Program that provides a variety of skilled services to the patient and family, including:
Inpatient Care
IV Therapy
Physical Therapy
Speech Therapy
Skilled Nursing
Occupational Therapy
Social Services
Dietary Consultation
Patient / Family Teaching
Case Management
Cardiopulmonary Care
Physicians Clinic – The Russell Hospital Physicians Clinic currently employs seven providers who specialize in family practice
Specialty Clinic – This service brings in providers that specialize in treatment of a particular specialty. This allows the citizens of our community to receive specialized treatment without having to travel long distances. Several different specialty groups provide services to our patients through outreach programs at the Specialty Clinic, including Ear, Nose, & Throat, Orthopedics, and Cardiology. These hours vary and appointments must be scheduled through the provider in advance.
Walk-In Clinic – The purpose of this clinic is to treat patients with acute illness or minor injury, so they do not have to wait to schedule an appointment with a provider. Allergy injections may be administered during this clinic as well. Lesion removal, well checks, and vaccinations are examples of services not covered during walk in clinic. Regular appointments must be scheduled for these services.
Blood Screening
Please visit our website or Contact us for more information:
Clinic Locations & Contacts
Main Location: