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Human Resources Dept., DC – (DCHR)
The DC Department of Human Resources (DCHR) provides human resource management services that strengthen individual and organizational performance and enable the District government to attract, develop and retain a well-qualified, diverse workforce.
DCHR provides DC government employees a variety of services, including:
Employee Benefits – manages employee compensation and benefit programs that enable the District to attract, support, and retain a well-qualified and diverse workforce.
Benefits and Retirement Administration
Phone: (202) 442-9700
Employee Compensation
Office of Classification and Compensation
Phone: (202) 442-9648
Management Supervisory Service – comprised of employees who have responsibility for project management and supervision of staff. All positions in the MSS are "at-will" appointments.
ePerformance Management – DCHR has an ongoing commitment to encourage employee development, promote fairness, and support the District's strategic goals and objectives.
Performance Management Unit
441 4th Street, NW
Suite 330 South
Washington, DC 20001
Phone: (202) 442-9661
Emerging Leaders Program – designed to attract, recruit, and retain undergraduate and graduate students for DC Government. The program, which consists of several subset programs, will provide constant, consistent, informed, innovative ideas, options, best practices and recommendations on municipal programs from around the country to assist the Mayor and his administration in further building Washington into a world class city.
DCHR Workforce Development Administration
Phone: (202) 727-1523
DCHR Office Location:
TDD/TYY:(202) 727-8478