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Human Services Department (DHS), DC
The mission of the Department of Human Services (DHS), in collaboration with the community, assists low-income individuals and families to maximize their potential for economic security and self-sufficiency.
The Department of Human Services offers Medical, Financial and Nutritional benefits to low income residents and families in the District. For additional information and how to apply for these services please click on the appropriate link.
Adult Protective Services (APS) investigates reports alleging abuse, neglect and exploitation of frail elderly and disabled adults and intervenes to protect vulnerable adults who are at risk.
Services: Assessment, counseling, case management, emergency assistance with basic needs; short-term homemaker services; coordination of legal services to obtain emergency orders or guardians/conservators; placement into long-term care facilities or assisted living homes; and coordination of social, assessment and medical services with other agencies and providers.
The Homeless Services Program oversees the provision of homeless services to individuals and families in the District of Columbia.
Programs: Homelessness Prevention and Rapid Re-housing Program, Veterans Administration Supportive Housing Program, Permanent Supportive Housing Program, Emergency, Temporary and Transitional Shelter, Hypothermia Program, Shelter Monitoring and Quality Assurance.
Refugee Resettlement Program:
The Office of Refugee Resettlement fosters prompt transition from dependency on public assistance to self-sufficiency for refugees who settle in the District of Columbia.
Services: The Office of Refugee Resettlement provides employment services, services to victims of human trafficking, refugee cash and medical assistance, repatriation services, and oversees the Refugee Unaccompanied Minors Program. These services are provided in collaboration with a network of service providers to ensure that the necessary support and assistance is given to refugees.
Strong Families Program:
The Strong Family program’s mission is to strengthen the individual and family unit, foster healthy development and help address the issues that create ongoing challenges.
Services: The Strong Families Program is staffed by social workers and case managers who provide a range of social services that include; assessment of client needs, development of case plans, short-term social work intervention, referral and coordination of services with District and community agencies.
Teen Parent Assessment Project:
The Teen Parent Assessment program empowers teen parents to move toward self-sufficiency. The program strives to accomplish its mission in three ways: Complete Assessments of the living arrangements for TANF applicants and clients who are under 18 years of age but not living with their parent or legal guardian; Provide case management and support services to teenagers who receive TANF benefits to help them develop goals and achieve self-sufficiency; Work to reduce teenage pregnancy in the District of Columbia.
Services: Assessment, Case Management and Support Services, Pregnancy Prevention Initiatives, pro-active, motivational workshops.
The DC State Developmental Disabilities Council (DDC) is a grant program funded by the Administration on Developmental Disabilities by the Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS). The DDC promotes and engages in systems or process changes, capacity building and advocacy activities. All are designed to achieve independence, productivity, integration and community inclusion of individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities.
The DDC membership consists of individuals appointed by the DC Mayor and is comprised of individuals who have disabilities, either developmental other disabling; relatives and/or family members of persons with disabilities; representatives of public and private agencies; community-based organizations; and citizens concerned with program and service delivery to people with disabilities.
For information on the Developmental Disabilities Council, please call (202) 671-4490.
Read the Council's DDC Statement of Philosophy.
Please visit our website for more information.