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Humanitarian Foundation – Grottoes of North America
The Grottoes of North America Humanitarian Foundation is a 501 (c) (3) nonprofit organization that brings “Special Smiles” to children with special needs by providing them much-needed dental care. The program helps cover the costs of dental treatment, including hospital and anesthesia costs, when needed, for children with cerebral palsy, muscular dystrophy and related neuromuscular disorders, those with mental retardation, and organ transplant recipients.
The Grottoes of North America is a charitable organization dedicated to promoting Goodfellowship, Friendship and fun amoungst Master Masons.
Doctors of Smiles are not actual doctors, but are the Grotto volunteers in your community. They are your direct connection to the Humanitarian Foundation and will help you complete the application for your child’s dental care and answer any questions you may have about the Dental Care for Children with Special Needs program. To location Grotto volunteer in your area, click here. If there is no Doctor of Smiles in your area, you may contact the Humanitarian Foundation directly at 614-933-0711.