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IDAHO Assistive Technology Project
The Idaho Assistive Technology Project (IATP) is a federally funded program administered by the Center on Disabilities and Human Development at the University of Idaho. Our goal is to increase the availablity of assistive technology devices and services for older persons and Idahoans with disabilities. Contact us at: 1-800-432-8324.
Services include:
We offer many services to assist Idahoans with disabilities, their families and service providers:
- Information and Assistance
- Used equipment “Reutilization” Program
- Equipment Exchange Program – The Idaho Assistive Technology Project has partnered with Living Independence Network Corporation to establish a system in Idaho for receiving, repairing, and distributing quality used equipment to older persons and Idahoans with disabilities of all ages. This collaboration is known as the Idaho Assistive Technology Reutilization Project (IATRP). The IATRP offers a great place for people searching for devices to find them all in one place …
- Alternative Financing Program – The Idaho Assistive Technology Loan Program is a consumer-directed program funded by both private and public money that is designed to help Idahoans obtain and use the assistive technology they need to be successful in employment, education, recreation and in the community. The Program has been in existence since 1994, thanks to the collaboration between the Idaho Assistive Technology Alternative Financing Program, Idaho banks, and the Idaho Community Foundation. They have come together to provide low-interest loans to Idaho citizens with disabilities to purchase assistive technology.
For questions or assistance contact:
IATP Loan Program
Attn: Irene P. Lunsford
121 W. Sweet Ave.
Moscow, ID 83843
Toll Free: 1-800-432-8324
Phone: 208-885-6102
FAX: 208-885-6145