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Illinois Department of Transportation
The federal Section 5310 program allocates capital funds to private-nonprofit and IDOT designated public agencies to meet the transportation needs of elders and people with disabilities. Funding is allocated to states on the basis of elderly and disabled population. The Governor of Illinois has designated the Illinois Department of Transportation as the state agency to administer these federal funds.
Para Transit Vehicle Program General Program Information
The Illinois Department of Transportation utilizes the federal Section 5310 and matching state general funds to purchase paratransit vehicles to selected agencies. Agencies are selected based on an annual application process. The vehicles are purchased for the agencies by the Department through an IDOT/CMS Combined Vehicle Procurement. The federal program funds 80% of the project costs and the state funds the 20% local match.
Additional program information or a copy of IDOT's Section 5310 brochure may be obtained by calling Mr. Thomas A. Ochal, Program Manager at 312-793-3507. Fax to 312-793-1251 or E-Mail to