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Independence Center, Finger Lakes
Finger Lakes Independence Center:
To empower all people with disabilities while creating an inclusive society through the elimination of social and architectural barriers.
Advocacy – We can work with individuals and organizations to educate them about their rights and responsibilities and work with them to achieve a solution.
Information & Referral – Ask Us! about adaptive equipment, accessible housing, advocacy, sign language interpreters, and a variety of other disability issues. If we don't know, we may know someone who does know.
Peer Counseling – A chance to meet and talk with a person with a similar disability. Together we can explore any issues that interest you. You will make your own decisions regarding your independence.
Benefits Advisement – We can assist you with any questions you may have about eligibility requirements, procedures, and benefits of Social Services (Medicare, Physically Handicapped Children's program, Medicaid); Social Security (SSI and SSDI).
Accessibility Consultations- We can visit your home, school, business, public building, etc., to make suggestions for making the building accessible. We can also review architectural plans prior to construction.
Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) – This is an important civil rights legislation for people with disabilities. Call us if we can help you with issues or training.
Independent Living Skills – We can help you develop skills such as adaptive cooking, self-advocacy, adaptive homemaking, budgeting or other skills you may need.
Library and Loan Closet – FLIC has a library of books, videotapes, periodicals, catalogs and other materials. Our loan closet has various adaptive equipment for short term loan. Some of the things we have include wheelchairs, crutches, portable ramps, PockeTalkers, and TTYs. A refundable deposit is required for borrowed items. Also FLIC has an electronic magnifier which is available for use in the Center.
Student Services – FLIC is available to work with students transitioning out of high school into the adult world. Services may include information on post-school options, assistance in exploring options, self-advocacy skills, independent living skills, education on the rights of individuals with disabilities.
Support Groups – FLIC offers free, accessible space for support groups and encourages new support groups to form.
Community Education & Outreach – FLIC offers free community outreach speakers, workshops, and trainings, to develop an awareness about people with disabilities and disability issues.
Additional Services
The Tompkins County Department of Social Services and The Finger Lakes Independence Center coordinate the Consumer Directed Personal Assistance Program (CDPAP) which is designed to enable the independent person with a disability more participation and selection in their personal assistance care.
The Registry matches people in Tompkins County and the Surrounding areas that need in-home workers with individuals wishing to work in people's homes. The application required to be a Registry caregiver is available on our 'Jobs and Internships' page.
Sign Language Interpreter Referrals – Need an interpreter? Call us. Plan at least two weeks in advance if you can.
Please visit our website or Comtact us for more information: