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Integrated Technology Supports, Michigan (MITS)
MITS provides information about state-of-the-art technology, daily living devices, equipment, and the identification of assistive technology solutions for children with disabilities. Information requests are received by MITS staff via telephone, electronic mail, fax and U.S. mail.
MITS provides in-services, workshops, seminars, and training opportunities for education and other professionals. Check our Web site for current listings of opportunities. MITS also maintains a collection of catalogs, reprints, and publications to assist assistive technology personnel in the schools.
Lending Library: The MITS Lending Library contains assistive technology equipment and software that is available to Michigan’s PK-12 Public Schools for short-term (8 weeks) use. It affords districts the opportunity to try assistive technology with students to assess effectiveness prior to purchase.
Lending Library Webpage
Please visit our website or Conrtact Us for more information: