Iowa Region 8 Regional Transit Authority (Delaware, Dubuque, Jackson Counties)

Address: 7600 Commerce Park
Dubuque, IA 52002
Phone: (563) 588-4592 Fax: (563) 5573176 Email: Website:

Contact: Mark Munson, Director

The Region 8 Regional Transit Authority (RTA) was formed in the 1970’s to improve, consolidate, and coordinate transportation services in the State of Iowa Planning Area 8. This planning area includes Dubuque County (excluding the City of Dubuque), Delaware County, and Jackson County. The RTA contracts with East Central Intergovernmental Association (ECIA) for management services and office space. The RTA Corporate Board is comprised of all of the County Supervisors from Dubuque, Delaware, and Jackson Counties. The Board meets every other month to review the RTA’s budget and general operating policies.

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