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Irene Reither Primary School Special Education
"The Meridian School District works in partnership with our families and our community to educate each student in a safe and supportive learning environment to become a positive contributor to society. Children working in the Special Education /Resource Room program are working on specific skills in the areas of reading, written language, math, social classroom interaction/behavior skills. Targeted instruction is defined through an Individual Education Plan (IEP). This plan is developed by the parent, classroom teacher, special education teacher and other specialists, as needed. Targeted instruction identified in the IEP occurs in addition to, or in place of classroom instruction. Instruction occurs inclusively, or in a small group setting, and focuses on areas of weakness that have been identified through cognitive and skill based assessments.
Reading areas that may be addressed include:
phonemic awareness (letter identification, letter-sound correspondence and blending skills)
sight word recognition
oral reading fluency
Math areas that may be addressed include:
number sense
calculation concepts/strategies
math fact fluency
problem solving
Written Expression areas that may be addressed include:
basic writing tool skills
sentence generation
paragraph skills
short story generation
reading related spelling skills
Social classroom interaction/behavior areas that may be addressed include:
classroom skills
social interactions
calming strategies
structured behavior plans
The Special Education/Resource Room program is also a component of the Schoolwide Title I/Response to Intervention Program. Our staff collaborates with the IRPS Reading Specialist, ELL Teacher and classroom teachers to identify learning weaknesses and implement targeted skill instruction within the general education classroom instructional program."