Island County Paratransit

Address: 19758 SR 20, PO Box 1735
Coupeville, WA 98239
Phone: (360) 678-7771 Fax: (360) 6784353 Email: Website:

Contact: Martha M. Rose

Island Paratransit is a curb-to-curb service for registered, eligible persons of disability who are unable to use the regular bus service. Island Paratransit is based upon the same days and hours, by route structure, as the regular scheduled route service. The basic service is a corridor centered on the scheduled route and extending 3/4ths of a mile on either side of the route. However, Island Paratransit will serve the ADA eligible living outside the corridor structure on a space available, schedule permitting basis.

North End: 360-678-7771

South End: 360-321-6688

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