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Jatran operates daily fixed routes with exception of Sunday. Union Station, the main hub for all Jatran buses, is located at the corner of Gallatin and Capitol Streets in Downtown Jackson. Union Station services Jatran, Greyhound and Amtrak trains along with various cab services. Jatran bus fares average $1.50 but vary by age. Transfers between routes are free. Visit the official Jatran website for more detailed information regarding transit fares and route maps. Be sure to enjoy a stay in the newly refurbished Hilton Gardens at the King Edward Hotel, a 1920s icon, located just across Capitol Street from Union Station.
JATRAN operated 10 Fixed Routes, Monday through Friday.
Handilift Service:
JATRAN offers a Handilift Service. Handilife Service provides safe and efficient transportation to persons with disabilities who are ADA para transit eligible. Service is provided within the city limits of Jackson, extending to a 3/4 mile radius around JATRAN'S Fixed Routes.
Alternate Phone: (601) 252-6342