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John S. Charlton School
Our Vision is to provide a cohesive, positive, rigorous, and safe learning environment in which students are challenged with standards based, individualized, learning focused activities, and life skills training in order for them to become successful, valued, and meaningful participants in our community.
The John S. Charlton Program is designed for students with special needs throughout Kent County, Delaware. The Program serves students, 2 to 21 years of age, who have a need to learn functional life skills, via modification of the Delaware State Recommended Curriculum, in order to enhance their level of independence. Students at the John S. Charlton Program receive special education services. John S. Charlton is the Kent County Center for the Delaware Autism Program. Students are served at the John S. Charlton Program throughout schools in the Caesar Rodney School District and at Delaware State University and Wesley College. The Charlton Program also serves students, ages 3 and 4, who are involved in the Caesar Rodney School District's Early Intervention Program.