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Kalamazoo Transit, (MI)
Metro County Connect is Kalamazoo Metro Transit's shared ride origin-to-destination transit service. Shared ride means that multiple passengers may ride together in the same vehicle. Metro County Connect is open to all residents of Kalamazoo County. Discounted fares are available to individuals who are certified as having a disability, seniors 62 years or older and individuals with a disability who are certified as Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) eligible.
For information about ADA eligibility or to obtain an application, call (269) 337-8477.
Metro County Connect operates three kinds of vehicles: 25-passenger El Dorado buses, 11-passenger Ford Cutaway buses, and 5-passenger Ford Econoline vans. All vehicles are marked with the Metro County Connect logo. You may be picked up in any of these vehicles so please watch for all three types.
All vehicles are lift-equipped. If you need assistance boarding the vehicle, the driver will assist you. All drivers are trained to operate the lift and mobility securement device.
Please visit our website or Contact us for more information: