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Kaleidoscope Learning Center
"""Movement is the door to learning,"" Brain Gym® founder Paul Dennison teaches. Kaleidescope movements reveal new possibilities. With movement, you'll move forward to accomplish your goals. Carolyn Nyland leads Educational Kinesiology tutoring sessions. Carolyn Nyland is a certified Brain Gym® instructor/ consultants and leads 101 classes as well as teacher in-service courses to share movements which stimulate brain function.
Brain Gym: is a part of Educational Kinesiology and provides a series of simple movements to enhance whole-brain learning. The activities are easy and enjoyable, and bring about rapid-often dramatic-improvements. Brain Gym develops the brain's neural pathways the way nature does: through movement. People of all ages and needs can live up to their potential with ease by using these effective movements.
Classes: (please visit our classes page for details)
BRAIN GYM® Introductions (3, 6, or 12 hours)