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Kansas City Area Transportation Authority – Accessibility Programs
"People with disabilities and seniors can ride The Metro and MAX. Take a look at how KCATA encourages greater independence and mobility. Metro buses are equipped with wheelchair lifts or low-floor ramps to accommodate customers who are physically unable to climb the steps.Buses can also “kneel” when you need the operator to lower the first step closer to the curb for easier boarding.
The wheelchair lifts can support mobility devices up to 30 inches wide and 48 inches long, weighing less than 600 pounds when occupied. If you’re using the lift to board, simply give the driver, your attendant or companion your bus fare to deposit in the farebox.
Textured tiles along the steps of the bus indicate when visually impaired customers are close to the step’s edge. Service animals are allowed on buses. However, other animals must be confined to a pet carrier.
Priority seating is available near the front of the bus. Signs are located just above the front seats Metro operators will provide assistance when needed, however, most passengers will readily offer their seats to persons with disabilities.
Prior to boarding the bus, Metro operators will announce their bus, route number and destination at transfer points and bus stops served by other routes.
Prior to exiting the bus, Metro operators will announce major stops, destinations and transfer locations about a block before arriving at the stop. However, you can also ask the operator to announce the specific stop you need.
One attendant may ride free. An attendant is a person who travels with you to help you with mobility or orientation. Others who happen to be accompanying you must pay the appropriate fare.
A teletypewriter (TTY) is available for the hearing impaired at 816-221-0380. Other accessible format materials are available upon request.
Persons with disabilities are eligible to ride The Metro at half the regular cost using a Reduced Farecard or Medicare card. The Reduced Farecards can also be used to purchase a Metro Monthly Pass at a reduced cost (except commuter express routes.)
When purchasing a reduced fare Monthly Pass, show your Metro Reduced Farecard or Medicare Card.
For more about The Metro’s Reduced Fare Program, call 816-221-0660 or visit our Reduced Fare Card information page.
Complementary Paratransit:
The Americans With Disabilities Act requires that all public bus systems provide complementary paratransit service for disabled persons who cannot independently use the bus service because of a disability. Complementary paratransit service is a door-to-door service provided by vans or cabs in The Metro ADA service area. Generally, the ADA established service area extends three quarters of a mile on each side of regular bus route service. Complementary paratransit service is available on those days and during those times when trips are provided on regular Metro routes. To take advantage of complementary paratransit service, you must be certified as ADA Eligible. "
Share-A-Fare (primarily Kansas City, MO): 816-346-0810
Dial-A-Ride (Kansas City, KA): 913-573-8351