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Kansas Public Schools (KCKPS)
KCKPS Vision: Striving to Become One of the Top 10 School Districts in the Nation.
Wyandotte Comprehensive Special Education Cooperative (SPED):
Offers a full range of special education services to children and families in the Kansas City, Kansas, Bonner Springs, and Piper School Districts. Special education services are integrated into the district's educational program. Eligibility for special education under the Individuals with Disabilities Act (IDEA) or eligibility under Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act is determined by the Student Intervention Team (SIT) referral process or screening and evaluation process in the early childhood setting.
Phone: (913) 287-8851
SPED Webpage
Parents As Teachers (PAT)
The Parents As Teachers Program is a FREE year-round program which offers parents:
research-based information on how children grow and develop; types of activities and toys that will foster learning and nurture development; methods of positive discipline; new techniques for problem solving; realistic expectations of child behavior; and attitudes that will raise children's self esteem.
What services will be provided?
Personal Visits
Parent & Child Activity Centers
Developmental Screenings
Group Meetings
Phone: (913) 627-4361 or (913) 627-4375
PAT Webpage
Student Services
Bullying Prevention & Character Education
Family Advocate System (FAS)
Homeless Programs- Schools give homeless children hope and a chance for a better future.
The LEA is your "Local Education Agency". The LEA for this web site is Kansas City, Kansas Public Schools (USD 500). Federal Funding is provided by Title I and the McKinney-Vento Act, originally enacted in 1987. Hours: 8:00 am – 5:00 pm For asistance or more information please contact: Kerry Wrenick – Homeless Liaison (913) 279-2150.
Positive Alternatives for Children in Trouble (PACT)- An alcohol and other drug use educational and prevention program that is required for a student's first time possession or use of alcohol and/or other drugs in school or school property. PACT offers the student and his/her parent(s) an alternative to long-term suspension for the offense.
Short Term Suspension Alternative – The Wyandotte County Short Term Suspension (STS) Program is the result of a professional service agreement between the Unified Government of Wyandotte County and Unified School District 500. The program serves youth and families within the 29th judicial district at the middle school level within three of the county's four school districts — Kansas City, Kansas, Turner, and Bonner Springs. Any student who is facing a short-term suspension ranging from 1-10 days out-of-school is eligible to participate in the program.
Student Services:
Phone: (913) 279-2616
Director of Student Services – Lisa Garcia
Email Director
Student Services Webpage
Please visit our website or Contact us for more information:
Directory of Kansas Public Schools
Central Office & Training Center: