Kardon Institute for Arts Therapy

Address: 10700 Knights Road
Philadelphia, PA 19114
Phone: (215) 637-2077 Fax: (215) 6372079 Email: email@kardoninstitute.org Website: http://www.kardoninstitute.org/

For over 35 years, Kardon Institute for Arts Therapy has helped individuals with special needs through comprehensive music, dance and art therapy.  Kardon Institute began in 1976 as an extension of a pilot rehabilitative music program offered collaboratively by Moss Rehabilitation Hospital and Settlement Music School. In 1985, a generous endowment grant from Emanuel S. Kardon through the Samuel and Rebecca Kardon Foundation established the Kardon Institute for the Handicapped as an independent non-profit organization.

Our specially trained therapists work with children and adults to enhance physical, social and cognitive abilities.

Services are offered at Kardon’s Headquarters in Northeast Philadelphia, branches of Settlement Music School and other locations throughout the Philadelphia area.

Our programs serve persons with:

Developmental disabilities
Visual and hearing impairments
Head trauma
Chronic medical conditions
Alzheimer’s Disease
Autism/Pervasive Developmental Disorder
Attention Deficit Disorders
Physical disabilities such as cerebral palsy, spina bifida and multiple sclerosis
Other emotional and behavioral disabilities

Before starting a program, all clients meet with a Kardon therapist who assesses interests, talents and skills. Observations and recommendations are then discussed with the parent/caretaker/case manager and an individualized program is created.


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