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Katie Beckett Program – Rhode Island
Center for Child and Family Health
Department of Human Services
Katie Beckett is an eligibility category that allows certain children under age 19 who have long term disabilities or complex medical needs to become eligible for Medical Assistance coverage. Katie Beckett eligibility enables children to be cared for at home instead of in an institution. With Katie Beckett, only the child’s income and resources, not the parents’, are used to determine eligibility. To be eligible for Medical Assistance coverage through Katie Beckett, a child must: be under age 19, be a Rhode Island resident and U.S. citizen or eligible non-citizen, meet the income and resource requirements, meet the Social Security Administration’s definition of disability, live at home, require a level of care at home that is typically provided in a hospital, nursing facility or an Intermediate Care Facility for Persons with Mental Retardation (ICF-MR). There is no cost to families.