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Kearney R.Y.D.E. (Reach Your Destination Easily)
"How much does it cost?
Cash, checks, or punch cards may be used on the R.Y.D.E buses
Fares are $1.50 one way in town trips (Exact change is requested)
Fares are $1.50 for scheduled out of town trips
R.Y.D.E. Transit also works with Kearney Cab to provide low cost fares when R.Y.D.E. is unavailable. Please call us at (308) 865-5677 and ask about the Cab Ticket Program.
Where does R.Y.D.E. Go?
Scheduled service to:
Kearney, Gibbon, Shelton, Riverdale, Elm Creek, Miller, Ravenna and Amherst
Tuesday: Riverdale, Elm Creek, Miller, Amherst
Monday, Wednesday, Friday : Gibbon and Shelton
R.Y.D.E. also provides service to other destination in Buffalo County as available.
How Does R.Y.D.E work?
Please schedule your rides at least 24 hours in advance to allow us to better serve you.
When calling to schedule a ride, have your destination and appointment time available.
Dispatch will schedule your ride and call you with your pickup time.
Due to the nature of our services, this means we could arrive 15 minutes prior or 15 minutes after your schedule pick-up time.
When you are done with your appointment, call for your return trip. Wait times will vary based on system demand."