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KENTUCKY Assistive Technology Loan Corporation (KATLC) – KENTUCKY
The Kentucky Assistive Technology Loan Corporation (KATLC) offers low interest loans for qualified applicants with disabilities who need assistive technology. Working with its lending partner, Fifth Third Bank of Kentucky, KATLC can provide loans for:
- Modified vehicles
- Hearing aids
- Adapted computers
- Mobility devices
- Augmentative communication devices or any other type of equipment or home modification that will improve the quality of life or increase the independence of Kentuckians with disabilities.
KATLC is a program funded by both private and public money to help Kentuckians with disabilities obtain assistive technology to improve their independence or quality of life. A seven member Board of Directors manages the program.
Any individual who has been a resident of Kentucky for at least six consecutive months, and who either has a disability that permanently affects a major life activity, or is a parent, guardian or caretaker of an individual with a disability. The purpose of the loan must be to purchase assistive technology to be used by the individual with a disability.