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Kentucky State Coordinator for the Americans with Disabilities Act
Kentucky ADA Coordinator:
The Kentucky state government is committed to the full implementation of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). It is the policy of the Commonwealth to maximize the full inclusion and integration of people with disabilities in all aspects of employment and all programs, services and activities. Web site provides a general overview of the Americans with Disabilities Act. It is the responsibility of the State ADA Coordinator and government body to Identify any policies or practices that do not comply with ADA requirements. Modify policies and practices to bring them into compliance. Identify physical barriers that prohibit accessibility of buildings, programs and services.
The Kentucky Department of Vocational Rehabilitation provides an Accessibility Checklist. This checklist is designed to be a convenient source for identifying architectural and communication barriers encountered by people with disabilities in private and public facilities. The Checklist may be used to survey an entire facility or specific areas and components. More definitive information may be obtained from: The Kentucky Building Code (KBC); the Americans with Disabilities Act Accessibility Guidelines for Buildings and Facilities (ADAAG); and the Uniform Federal Accessibility Standards (UFAS).
The Accessibility Checklist is to be used as a guide to increase awareness of architectural and communication barriers which prevent full access to buildings and facilities by people with disabilities.
This checklist is NOT a substitute for federal accessibility guidelines and/or the appropriate state and local building codes. The Checklist can be found at: