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Keystone Human Services – Susquehanna Service Dogs – Harrisburg PA
The Susquehanna Service Dogs Program trains and provides service dogs and hearing dogs to assist children and adults to become more independent. SSD trains service dogs, hearing dogs, balance dogs, service dogs for service men and women, facility dogs, in-home service dogs and companion dogs. Each dog is specially trained to perform specific tasks.
Keystone Human Services is a family of nonprofit organizations working together to serve the community. Keystone is committed to creating an environment where all people can grow, make choices, and be valued and contributing members of society. Keystone provides comprehensive community-based services for children, young people, adults and families in the areas of intellectual disabilities (mental retardation), autism, mental health, early intervention and children and family services. Keystone serves individuals and families in Pennsylvania, Maryland, Delaware and Connecticut. Keystone Human Services is also engaged in initiatives in Russia and Moldova.