Kids Enjoy Exercise Now (KEEN)

Address: 900 K Street, NW
Washington, DC 20006
Phone: 866.903.5336 Email: Website:

KEEN – Kids Enjoy Exercise Now – provides free sports and recreation programs for kids with disabilities such as autism, Down syndrome, and cerebral palsy. We are a volunteer led non-profit organization.

KEEN’s Mission
Empower youth with disabilities by providing free, non-competitive one-to-one programs of exercise, fitness and fun, led by volunteer coaches. KEEN welcomes every child, regardless of the nature or severity of his or her disability. In its open, unstructured and non-competitive environment, every child can enjoy every activity without the fear of losing or not being the best. Athletes gain confidence and self-esteem, and perhaps most important, a sense of social belonging. And they have fun!

KEEN athletes have disabilities such as autism, cerebral palsy, Down syndrome, and various intellectual and developmental disabilities. Unlike other recreation programs for individuals with disabilities, KEEN provides an open, unstructured environment for people with any type of disability, including those with significant needs. For some of the children and young adults who are unable to participate in other programs, KEEN may be their only recreational activity. KEEN’s programs are offered entirely free of charge to families and caregivers.

In addition to KEEN Sports, affiliates may offer other programs including KEEN Swim, which brings the KEEN formula to the pool, KEEN Tennis, KEEN Bowling, KEEN Fit, and even KEEN Music. Such diverse activities as Tai-Kwan-Do and Yoga have been adapted to fit KEEN’s approach. Check with your local affiliate to see what programs are offered in your area.

KEEN is a national, nonprofit 501(c)3 organization with affiliates operating in Chicago, Greater Washington DC, Los Angeles, New York, Phoenix, San Francisco, and St. Louis.

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