Kootenai Health’s Pediatric Rehabilitation Services

Address: 2003 Kootenai Health Way
Coeur d'Alene, ID 83814
Phone: 208) 625-5311 Email: NO EMAIL Website: http://www.kh.org/site/c.dkLSK7OPLnKaE/b.8326731/k.A922/Pediatric_Therapy.htm#.WNUm-zvyuM8

Kootenai Health’s Rehabilitation Services boasts a pediatric therapy program that offers a comprehensive evaluation for children from birth to age 21.

All programs are customized to highlight the child’s functional goals during the therapy session, which can then be carried on at home and at school.

Speciality Programs
Our pediatric team is also trained in a variety of specialty programs including:
Bowel and bladder training
Aquatic therapy
Interactive Metronome
Bal-A-Vis-X Language Acquisition through Motor Planning (LAMP)
Infant massage
Vital stim for dysphagia
Modified barium swallow studies
Neurodevelopmental treatment
SOS Approach to Feeding

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