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Kris’ Camp – A Special Camp for Special Kids
The Kris’ Camp therapy programs provide individualized therapy programs, drawing on one or more of the following disciplines and provided by licensed and experienced professionals: art/art therapy, neurologic music therapy, occupational therapy, physical therapy, speech/language therapy, vision therapy and education.
Parents have an important role in establishing therapy goals, and have many opportunities to interact with therapists throughout the camp sessions. The therapy focuses on building relationships with a strong sensorimotor component and a 1:1 therapist/child ratio. Each therapy program typically enrolls between 6 – 9 children, depending on staff availability and the overall needs of the children.
Traditional Therapy Program
Our traditional therapy programs are run out of lodges with conference/group room facilities and individual and family lodging, and run seven days each. Typically, the first and seventh days are check-in/orientation and check-out days. The core five days are therapy/sibling camp days. Therapy camps involve the entire family: therapy campers participate in 6 hours per day of intensive one-on-one (some groups for the older campers) therapies, while siblings can attend sibling camp. Parents are provided with respite during this time, and pick their kids up at the end of each therapy day. Opportunities are provided to meet with other parents and staff in a relaxed environment via three group dinners and a Wine & Cheese party. Towards the end of camp, parent/staff meetings are held to discuss each child’s work and progress during camp, and to make and discuss recommendations for follow through after camp.