Lamoille Family Center

Address: 480 Cady's Falls Road
Morrisville, VT 05661
Phone: (802) 888-5229 Fax: (802) 8885392 Email: Website:

Director – Dace Connor

The Lamoille Family Center affirms the right of all children to grow up in an environment that enables them to become healthy adults by educating, encouraging and celebrating families. As a family resource center, we focus on creating an atmosphere in which all families are welcomed, nurtured, and supported.  We recognize that raising children is an important and challenging job for all parents, and that the outcomes of that endeavor have a profound impact on our communities and society.  We are firmly committed to developing a system of care for children and families that weaves together best practices of professionals, the wisdom and experience of families, and the strengths and hopes of the community. The Lamoille Family Center offers seventeen programs and projects to families throughout the Lamoille Valley. Services are delivered in the home, on-site at the Family Center, and in the community to families with children of all ages.

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