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Language and Communication Development, School for
The School for Language and Communication Development is a publicly funded special education school which is chartered by the Board of Regents and approved by the New York State Education Department. Since 1985, SLCD has provided an innovative language-based education for children with special needs.
Our educational philosophy is predicated on the understanding that a child’s language disorder needs to be addressed early. A language disorder, left untreated, can translate into serious learning and academic deficits during the school-age years. Because language learning provides the foundation for all educational development, language is, in essence, the prerequisite program for academic achievement and growth.
The language disordered student must be identified as early as possible to address his language learning problems before they become instructional deficits. SLCD uses a transdisciplinary general education curriculum which is language enriched and integrated through all therapeutic services. SLCD is committed to helping students from their early years on through high school.
At SLCD, our mission is to identify children with language and communication disorders early and provide educational programs which will prepare them for a world filled with words, sentences, stories and messages. Language is a symbol system; it provides the means to reach out to the world. It is the most important skill that a child must learn early in life. Language provides the foundation for socializing, reading, questioning, writing and thinking.
SLCD has developed language-based programs which are designed to stimulate and challenge children. Our philosophy is “language is everything and everywhere,” so our children need to be immersed in language activities to learn. We try different methodologies to teach a child – to reach a child – every child.
TLM – The Tiegerman Language Method
Middle School
High School
Therapeutic Learning Center
All for Kids
Please visit our website or Contact us for more information:
School For Language & Communication Development
Middle School
70-24 47th Avenue
Woodside, NY 11377
Tel: 718-476-7163
School For Language & Communication Development
High School
87-25 136th Street
Richmond Hill, NY 11418
Tel: 718-291-2807
SLCD Offices: