Learning Disabilities Association (LDA) of New York State

Address: 1202 Troy-Schenectady Road, Bldg. 1
Latham, NY 12110
Phone: (518) 608-8992 Email: statelda@ldanys.org Website: http://www.ldanys.org

The Learning Disabilities Association (LDA) is the largest 501c3, non-profit organization advocating for children and adults with learning disabilities. LDA has over 200 state and local affiliates in 42 states and Puerto Rico and has over 24,000 members worldwide.

LDA is a three-tiered organization comprised of a national organization, state affiliates and local chapters. In New York, LDA’s state affiliate, the Learning Disabilities Association of New York State and its network of 8 local chapters serve as the conduit of information, advocacy and services for individuals with learning disabilities and their families.

LDANYS is the only statewide association in New York that specifically represents the needs and interests of individuals who have learning disabilities and their families. LDANYS works with the Governor’s office, members of the state legislature, Board of Regents, and key state agencies that have oversight over programs and services that touch the lives of individuals who have learning disabilities and their families to ensure policies are fair and provide equal access to programs and services for individuals who have learning disabilities.
Vision Statement:

Our vision is a world in which individuals with learning disabilities experience acceptance, respect, dignity, and full participation in the community.

Mission Statement:
The mission of the Learning Disabilities Association of New York State, is to create an environment that supports, informs and empowers individuals with learning disabilities throughout their lifespan.

Education & Training
Environmental Health


Please visit our website or Contact us for more information:


Regional Affiliates Contacts

LDA NY Office:


Was Your Child's CP Preventable?