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Learning Disabilities Association of Montana
The Learning Disabilities Association of Montana assists individuals with learning disabilities through information, advocacy and support. The Learning Disabilities Association of Montana was incorporated in 1985 as the "Montana Association for Children & Adults with Learning Disabilities." Directors were Ellen Alweis, of Billings, and Ruth vanEttinger and Carole Spahr, of Great Falls. The name was amended in 1991 to be the "Learning Disabilities Association of Montana, Inc." At that time, Maureen Ferrell was president and Ellen Alweis was secretary. Membership in LDA of Montana is open to anyone who has an interest in the issues surrounding learning disabilities. We expect that most members will be parents, educators or educators in training, or individuals who themselves have learning disabilities. We serve all of Montana and we are interested in serving northern Wyoming. If we get enough members in communities such as Powell or Sheridan, we can set up local chapters there. Although some current members are parents, many are educators, including many who work with students who have learning disabilities at community and four-year colleges. While LDA has traditionally focused on issues related to children, there is considerable interest in issues related to adults who face the challenges of having a learning disability.