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LearningRx – Omaha Brain Training
"LearningRx is a successful nationwide network of brain training centers. We are a family of concerned and passionate educators, professionals, and local business owners who want to help kids and adults learn & perform faster, better, and more easily. We are also a stable and growing company with expansion opportunities for business-minded people who want to make a positive contribution to their community.
What do we do?
We change lives through brain training. At the root of LearningRx’s success is a brain training program that has unmatched power to unlock learning potential by effectively addressing the cause behind learning and reading struggles. That cause is unseen cognitive skill weaknesses. The essence of LearningRx is best reflected in the real improvements of our students. Here is one mom’s story about her 11-year-old daughter:
“We came to LearningRx because our daughter was having trouble in school. She was scoring at low levels on the national benchmark tests and her teacher had decided she could not do the work. We could tell that as time went by she was beginning to believe that she was not as smart as others and was not trying anymore.
"Looking back at the past few months we can see such a transition. Our daughter can now read out loud with confidence, she is getting A’s and B’s and her 5th grade teacher says 'You know, I just don’t see what the 4th grade teacher saw! She is good at math, confident in school, and a leader in her class!'”
We are a family of caring professionals armed with the right training and tools to make a difference for parents and students. LearningRx is the answer to the heart-cry of thousands of parents of struggling students—parents who fear that their children are on the verge of being defined by discouragement, failure, and a lifetime of lost opportunity. No other solution—no matter the cost—has the power to so dramatically change all the ways a student lives and learns. The reason? We address the cause of the problem and not just the symptoms.
We Help Parents:
Parents who are looking for help for their child find a friend in LearningRx. Our unique focus on identifying and training individual cognitive skills weaknesses sets us apart from tutoring and other remedial education programs. We provide affordable testing that is available at a fraction of the cost of what other professionals charge.
Only at LearningRx do we focus on changing a student’s underlying ability to learn and read. We train and strengthen cognitive skills with scientifically based and clinically proven one-on-one personalized training. You and your child are no longer limited to treating symptoms. With LearningRx training you can literally change how he or she learns and, in doing so, change the future.
LearningRx brain training centers serve a wide variety of adult needs as well. Brain training provides proven tools to help those looking for all types of skills enhancement. Career adults can gain a significant competitive edge. College students can leverage both class and study time. Senior adults can forestall or even reverse age-related mental and memory decline. Those facing the need for recovery of mental skills lost due to a traumatic brain injury see dramatic progress in a short amount of time.