Lee Mitchener Tolbert Center for Developmental Disabilities – Oklahoma Department of Rehabilitation Science

Address: 801 NE 13th Street,, CHB-235
Oklahoma City, OK 73104
Phone: (405) 271-2131 x46811 Email: Maria-Jones@ouhsc.edu Website: http://alliedhealth.ouhsc.edu/Departments/RehabilitationSciences/CenterofExcellence/LeeMitchenerTolbertCenter.aspx


"The Lee Mitchener Tolbert Center for Developmental Disabilities, in the Department of Rehabilitation Science was founded in 1995 for the purpose of disseminating information, expanding knowledge, and promoting ""best practice"" service delivery to enhance the lives of people with developmental disabilities and their families.
The mission of the Tolbert Center is to promote the best possible services within natural life contexts for people with developmental disabilities and their families through excellence in discovery, integration, application, and teaching."
TTY: 405-271-1705

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