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Liberty Elementary School
Liberty Elementary School is a safe, positive, collaborative community that values academic and behavioral excellence. Professionals, paraprofessionals, students and parents work together to attain our common vision. We work to ensure maximum individual growth for all students in knowledge, reasoning, and attitude, leading toward success and community participation as adults. Teachers match appropriate instructional methods to desired outcomes. A variety of assessment types, surveys and reliable research are used to evaluate success, refine our vision and define staff development needs.
Secondary Schools – Liberty Elementary students will attend Les Bois Junior High and Timberline High School.
History of Liberty School
Liberty was the first elementary school built in Boise in five years. It was patterned after Amity, which was constructed in 1979, but some significant changes were made. Amity's revolutionary design featured an earthen covering; Liberty has earth berms around the building. Liberty features separate cafeteria and gymnasium facilities, and the gym has a rubberized surface which was a vast improvement over the tartan floor at Amity.