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Lifespan Respite Program – Arc of King County
Linda J. Porter, Lifespan Respite Project Coordinator Respite & Crisis Care Coalition of Washington
Lifespan respite is a term used nationally to represent a variety of circumstances, encompassing what some call as “cradle to grave” support for individuals in need. Those who receive care are from across the “lifespan”, which means elders, adults over the age of 18 with disabilities, children under 18 with disabilities, and vulnerable children (at risk of family separation or abuse/neglect). Respite services under this definition shall be provided to all family caregivers regardless of age, income, cultural or ethnic background or disability of the care recipient. Lifespan respite is a coordinated network of respite services developed in communities to serve caregivers within those communities. A continuum of planned and crisis respite care that is: Responsive and accessible, promotes public awareness, provides information and referral, and enhances the health and well-being of families and communities and their unique needs. Any individual who provides daily care for his or her loved one due to a long-term illness, disability, or vulnerability needs respite from time to time. These can include the following: a physical or development delay; a chronic or terminal physical, emotional or mental health condition requiring ongoing care and supervision; Alzheimer’s disease, ALS (Lou Gehrig’s disease), Multiple sclerosis, Parkinson’s disease, or and related disorders; medical fragility; individuals at risk for abuse and/or neglect. If you need respite, please contact the Community Information Line, or 2-1-1. If your family is involved with an agency case manager, you can also ask for their assistance in navigating the respite care system. In addition, contained in this website are known respite resources links to programs where respite may exist.