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Lion’s World Services for the Blind Technology Center – Little Rock ARKANSAS
Lions World Services for the Blind was founded in 1947 by Roy Kumpe to serve people who are blind and visually impaired who needed to learn independent living skills or job training skills that considered the special requirements of their individual visual impairments. The goal of the rehabilitation center then, and today, is to prepare the individual who is blind or visually impaired to function independently in our "sighted" society.
Since that time, LWSB has served more than 9,500 individuals from all 50 states and 58 other countries. We have gradually expanded our services to become the most comprehensive rehabilitation center in the world, offering a complete personal adjustment program, 10 vocational courses, a vision rehabilitation clinic and training, an assistive technology learning center, job placement assistance, and a college preparatory program. LWSB is accredited by the National Accreditation Council for agencies serving people with Blindness or Visual Impairments.
Blindness is no respecter of persons. It strikes without regard to race, religion, sex or nationality. In the United States, 1.3 million Americans age 25 and older have severe visual impairments, causing them to make adjustments in areas of careers and everyday living situations. Whether you are a person who is blind, a professional worker in the blindness field, a Lions Club member, or someone interested in blindness, we cordially invite you to visit our center and meet our professional and capable staff. We think you will find that Lions World Services for the Blind is committed to serving people who are blind or visually impaired from all over the globe, and that you will agree with Helen Keller that "Alone, we can do so little. Together, we can do so much."