Little Bit Therapeutic Riding Center

Address: 19802 NE 148th Street
Woodinville, WA 98077
Phone: (425) 882-1554 Email: Website:

Little Bit was founded in 1976 by a woman named Margaret Dunlap. Margaret had Multiple Sclerosis and found that being on the back of a horse slowed the advance of her disease. From our humble beginnings of one horse and five riders, we have grown to be one of the largest nationally accredited industry-leading PATH International centers and one of the largest full-time therapeutic horseback riding programs in the United States. We offer Adaptive Riding and Hippotherapy, and serve 235 riders each week with 19 horses and the help of more than 350 volunteers. At Little Bit our mission is to improve the bodies, minds, and spirits of children and adults with disabilities through equine-assisted therapy and to be an educational resource for the therapeutic riding profession, both regionally and nationally. Our flagship programs—Adaptive Riding and Hippotherapy—both utilize the unique qualities of the horse to affect positive change in the lives of children and adults with disabilities. These programs provide life-changing physical benefits such as strengthening muscles, preventing bone weakness and joint dislocation, improving balance and enhancing hand/eye coordination. These benefits improve a rider’s overall health, which, in turn, can increase life expectancy. They also ripple into other aspects of daily living, promoting confidence and independence, improving communication skills and peer interaction, enhancing concentration and memory, stimulating problem-solving and providing achievable goals.

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