Livingston Parish Louisiana Public Schools – Livingston Louisiana

Address: 13909 Florida Boulevard
Livingston, LA
Phone: (225) 686-7044 Fax: (225) 6863052 Website:

The Livingston Parish Public School System serves approximately 23,900 students ranging from pre-kindergarten through grade twelve. We continually strive to upgrade our schools to provide a climate that enhances learning. Our instructional programs and other related programs and services are focused to meet the needs of our student population and the requirements of the State Board of Elementary and Secondary Education. 
Schools Directory:
Special Education Services:
Livingston Parish Public Schools assures that all children, 3 through 21, residing within the jurisdiction of the school system who have a disability and are in need of special education, related, and/or special services are identified, located and evaluated. LPPS through the Child Search Coordinator will document that annual and ongoing activities are conducted to identify and locate children suspected of being exceptional and needing special education services. 
Alternative Programs include:
Homebound/Temporary Educational Services (TES) – Instructional services provided to a student  in an alternative setting (usually the home) for a specified length of time.  The student is enrolled in general education and as a result of illness, accident or emotional crisis cannot attend school for a specified number of days (generally, 3 weeks). 
The Audiology Department – Has proudly served the students of Livingston Parish since 2007 by providing educationally related diagnostic Hearing Evaluations, Consultations, and Support for students with hearing related needs.
Assistive Technology – Was first defined in the Technology-Related Assistance of Individuals with Disabilities Act of 1988 . Since that time the responsibility to provide assistive technology devices and services (when needed) has been mandated by the IDEA revisions of 1990 and 1997, the current revision of the Rehabilitation Act of 1992 and the Americans with Disabilities Act.  The parish has established an assistive technology team with a strong desire by th team members and administration to firmly establish a working system for providing assistive technology services to
Livingston Parish students. This team has made significant progress in providing needed technology services

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