Logos School

Address: 9137 Old Bonhomme
St. Louis, MO 63132
Phone: (314) 997-7002 Fax: (314) 9976848 Email: kboydfenger@logosschool.org Website: http://www.logosschool.org/


Kathy Boyd-Fenger, M.A., N.C.C. – Head of School
As a school we provide hope and a path to success for struggling students and their families in a safe ethical environment.  Through education and therapy our students gain acceptance and a promising future. Logos School is an independent, alternative, therapeutic middle and high school in St. Louis. We are dedicated to assisting students and their families with academic and emotional needs which have not been met in the traditional classroom. Founded in 1970, Logos has assisted over 1400 at-risk adolescents to achieve a high school diploma and the emotional stability to become productive young adults. Logos School’s unique program consists of strong, individualized academics, innovative therapy, and parent involvement.

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