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Louisiana Department of Children & Family Services
The Department of Children & Family Services works to keep children safe, helps individuals and families become self-sufficient and provides safe refuge during disasters.
DCFS Customer Service Center: 1-888-524-3578
Office Directories:
The Department of Children & Family Services is where you would go to:
- Apply Online for Assistance
- Report Child Abuse/Neglect
- Report Fraud
- Apply to Foster a Child
- Adopt a Child
- Find a Community Partner
- Access Child Support Services
- Find Licensed Child Care
- Learn About Food Stamps
- Research Licensed Facilities
- Get a Job, or Buy a First Home
- Apply for the Child Care Assistance Program
Offers a number of programs and services designed to meet the needs of Louisiana's parents.
Services provided include:
- Child Development and Early Learning
- Child Support Enforcement
- Child Welfare, Crisis Intervention
- Economic Stability
- Licensing services
Child Care Assistance Programs:
Phone: 1-888-524-3578
The Child Care Assistance Program helps low-income families pay for child care while working or attending school or training. Monthly payments are based on the number of hours the parents work or attend school or training, as well as the amount charged by the child care provider, family size and household income. Parents can select any Class A child care center, school-based before and after school program, licensed child care center determined by the Department of Defense, registered Family Child Day Care Home, or In-Home provider active in the CCAP provider directory.
Louisiana Disability Determinations Services (DDS)
To find information on an initial claim, contact:
Baton Rouge area: 1-800-256-2288
Shreveport area: 1-800-256-2266
New Orleans: 1-800-256-2299
Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (Food Stamp Program)
Phone: 1-888-524-3578
The Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) provides monthly benefits that help eligible low-income households buy the food they need for good health. For most households, SNAP funds account for only a portion of their food budgets; they must also use their own funds to buy enough food to last throughout the month. Eligible households can receive food assistance through regular SNAP or through the Louisiana Combined Application Project (LaCAP).