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Louisiana Department of Education
The Louisiana Education Network consists of 20 districts and 28 charter schools. In December 2011, Louisiana was awarded a $17.4 million Race to the Top (R2T) grant by the U.S. Department of Education (USDOE). Race to the Top was authorized through the 2009 American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA) and was designed to encourage states to adopt aggressive reforms and place an emphasis on enriching Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) initiatives. Louisiana's annual education budget for Fiscal Year 2012 totals $8.7 billion, including federal, state, and local revenue sources. More than 99% of these education dollars is allocated to schools and districts
Parent Resources
Students with Exceptional Needs
Programs and Services for Special Needs Children
Toll free: 1-877-453-2721
Fax: (225) 342-0193
Programs include:
- Adapted Physical Therapy
- Extended School Year
- Homebound Services
- Occupational Therapy
- Physical Therapy in the Educational Setting
- Orientation and Mobility
- Speech-Language Pathology Services
- School Psychology
Additional Services under the Students with Exceptional Need include:
The Louisiana Access Guide, IEP (Individualized Education Program), Transition Services, Educational Interpreter Services and School-Based Medicaid Services
Students with Significant Disabilities Access Guide
Phone: (225) 342-0576
Toll Free: (877) 453-2721
Contact Info:
This site is designed for educators and family members who support students with significant disabilities. These students often have complex needs in areas such as communication, health care, behavior support, skill acquisition (e.g., academic, self-help, social, vocational), and generalization. They may experience sensory deficits and motor challenges which require targeted intervention to support their participation in routines and activities. As such, these students typically require extensive services and support to enable them to access and progress in the general curriculum in the context of inclusive environments. Some of these students may need services or supports from disability-specific resources.
Louisiana Special Education Center
Phone: (318) 487-5484
Fax: (318) 487-5002
The Louisiana Special Education Center, is a residential state facility under the jurisdiction of the State Board of Elementary and Secondary Education. The Center is a special school for orthopedic and multi-challenged students ages 3 through 32 years and is a licensed Title XIX intermediate care facility. The Center provides services for orthopedic and multi-challenged students ages 3 through 32 years. Eligible clients must have a primary diagnosis of orthopedic impairment. The Center is equipped to service the students with 12 months/24 hour care. Vocational training and transitional services are extended to those students 14 through 32 years of age.
The mission of the Louisiana Special Education Center is to provide special education programs and related services maximizing each student's potential toward successful integration into the mainstream of society.
Educational Services at the facility include: Special Education Classes, Communication Disorder evaluations and therapy programs, Occupational Therapy, Physical Therapy, Transition and Inclusion Training Programs and Adapted Physical Education