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Louisiana Department of Education – Early Steps Infant Toddler Program
EarlySteps provides services to families with infants and toddlers aged birth to three years (36 months) who have a medical condition likely to result in a developmental delay, or who have developmental delays.
Children with delays in cognitive, motor, vision, hearing, communication, social-emotional or adaptive development may be eligible for services.
EarlySteps services are designed to improve the family's capacity to enhance their child's development.
These services are provided in the child's natural environment, such as the child's home, child care or any other community setting typical for children aged birth to 3 years (36 months).
Early Intervention provides supports and services to families with infants and toddlers from birth to three years who have medical conditions that are likely to result in a developmental delay or who have developmental delays. The name of the Louisiana early intervention system is EarlySteps.
The Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) is the US Department of Education program for children with disabilities. Part C of IDEA provides the requirements to states to operate early intervention services for infants and toddlers birth through age 2 years and their families. EarlySteps is managed by the Office for Citizens with Developmental Disabilities (OCDD) in the Department of Health and Hospitals.
Early Steps System Point of Entry (SPOE) Referrals
Make a referral to EarlySteps by contacting the System Point of Entry Office in the region of Louisiana where the family resides.
Early Steps Parent's Corner