Louisiana Department of Education – Special Education Dispute Resolution

Address: 1201 North Third Street
Baton Rouge, LA 70802
Phone: (225) 342-3572 Fax: (225) 3421197 Email: abie.dupont@la.gov Website: https://www.louisianabelieves.com/academics/students-with-disabilities/dispute-resolution

The special education complaint system is designed to ensure that all student with disabilities are provided a free appropriate public education. A complaint can be filed about any entity that provides publicly funded educational services directly to students, that has violated a state or federal special education law or rule.  The LDE has developed several processes for resolving the disagreement about a child's disability identification or eligibility, evaluation, the level of services or placement, the provision of FAPE, or payment for services obtained: IEP Facilitation, Informal and Formal Complaints, and early Resolution. 
Any parent, individual or organization acting on behalf of a student with a disability has a right to file a complaint with the Louisiana Department of Education whenever you, an individual, or organization believes that there exists a violation by the school district of State and Federal law regarding the educational rights of your child, a student with a disability.

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