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Louisiana Early Childhood Supports and Services (ECSS)
The Early Childhood Supports & Services (ECSS) Program is a State program managed by the Department of Health and Hospital, Office of Behavioral Health. ECSS provides a coordinated system of screening, evaluation and referral services and treatment for children ages 0 through 5 years and their families. Essentially a prevention and intervention program, its elements include local, integrated and comprehensive systems of care for young children and healthy development along with school readiness.
These comprehensive services help promote a positive environment for learning, growth and relationship building.
ECSS is a group of parents, advocates, interested community members, as well as public and private agencies that meet, at least, monthly to discuss children and their families who have been referred for service coordination. The participating agencies could help with the following:
- Early childhood programs
- Educational needs
- Mental health
- Public health programs
- Family support
- Parenting and community support
Eligibility: Families of children who are ages 0 through 5 and those who are at risk; and families of children who have multiple risk factors which have been documented by one of the participating agencies. If you can answer YES to any one of the following questions, you may want to ask about participating in the ECSS program: Are you worried about the effects of arguing on your young child? Are family needs getting in the way of you working, returning to school, or achieving your life goals? Are you worried about other family members because of a serious problem that has not been corrected? Do you have problems getting help for your child or your family? Does your child and family need assistance due to a developmental delay, diagnosed medical condition, or family history of mental illness or substance abuse?
ECSS Locations: St. Tammany, Terrebonne, St. Mary, East Baton Rouge, Lafayette, Ouachita, Desoto, Delta, Orleans, Iberia and St. Martin
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