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Lutheran Special School & Education Services
Judy Schultz – Administrator
Lutheran Special School & Education Services serves children with special learning needs. We also provide information and services to their teachers and families. Lutheran Special School and Education Services exists to provide Christian education to children who have learning difficulties. We provide quality Christian special education to children whose needs cannot be completely met in a regular classroom. Our direct service area is the geographic area of the Lutheran Church – Missouri Synod, South Wisconsin District. Lutheran Special School and Education Services does not discriminate in its educational programs, hiring practices or other activities on the basis of racial, ethnic, cultural or religious background. Programs include: Self-Contained Classroom – Children with special educational needs who are unable to function well in their regular classroom receive individualized attention in our Self-Contained Classroom, located in Milwaukee Lutheran High School; Art Therapy – Art therapy gives children a way to articulate their feelings, help them clarify and relieve stress, as well as allay social and psychological distress through the act or work of making art and without having to use words. This assists in helping children with their social and emotional development, thereby aiding their academic learning. It does this by helping relieve any distress so they can better focus on their work and by also practicing the necessary life skill of creative problem solving; Resource rooms, Teacher Consultant. Open Application Period(s): Feb Mar June, Grades: (1-8)