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Maine Department of Education
The Maine Department of Education works with educators, students, families and local communities to advance lifelong teaching and learning. The role of the Maine Department of Education has been one of constant effort to provide leadership and service.
Maine Schools on the Web
Office of Special Services
DOE Phone: (207) 624-6600
The Office of Special Services under the Maine Department of Education provides oversight and support for the delivery of early intervention services to eligible children age birth to under age three and their families and of a free, appropriate public education to eligible children age three to twenty with disabilities. (05-071 Chapter 101, Maine unified Special Education Regulation). The Office of Special Services is also responsible for ensuring fulfillment of the State’s responsibilities under the federal Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA), (20 United States Code, Section 1400 et seq., as amended).
Office of Special Services – ASSISTIVE TECHNOLOGY – Related Links at the Department of Education
The Maine Assistive Technology (AT) web page provides a list of links to Organizations providing Assistive Technology for K-12 students
State GED Administration
Phone: (207) 287-5834
GED Disability Accommodations Forms
The GED program includes pre-testing, instruction and testing for high school equivalency. The adult high school diploma program provides the opportunity for individuals to complete their graduation requirement at their local high school.
Phone: (207) 624-6705
Fax: (207) 624-6706
The No Child Left Behind Act of 2001 (NCLB) requires schools to test all students in grades 3-8 and again in grade 11. In Maine, these tests are called the Maine Educational. Assessment, or MEA. The State Department of Education uses MEA test scores to
determine how well a school is meeting the State requirements for student achievement. If a school does not meet the required number of students with passing MEA scores for two consecutive years, the school is then labeled a Continuous Improvement Priority School (CIPSI)
Office of Special Services, DUE PROCESS – Special Education DISPUTE RESOLUTION AND MEDIATION
Phone: (207) 624-6644
Fax: (207) 624-6641
The Office of Special Services, Due Process is responsible for matters related to due process procedures: mediations, hearings and complaints. Provides training for mediators and hearing officials, school personnel, agency personnel and parents. Technical assistance is available to school districts and parents
Phone: (207) 624-6776
Home Instruction Information Sheet
Parents/guardians wishing to home school their children in Maine for the first time will file a "Notice of Intent" instead of a state application. Parents/Guardians who home schooled their children in previous school years in Maine are required to fill out a "Subsequent Year Letter". The "Notice of Intent" and/or "Subsequent Year Letter" will be filed with the Commissioner and the local Superintendent of schools within 10 calendar days of the beginning of home instruction. Please refer to the Home Study Info Sheet link above for information and needed forms.