Maine Department of Health and Human Services – Child and Family Services – Children’s Behavioral Health Services (CBHS)

Address: 11 State House Station
Augusta, ME 04333
Phone: (207) 624-7900 Website:

Maine's Children’s Behavioral Health Services (CBHS) is the authority in Maine regarding behavioral health treatment and services for children from birth up to their 21st birthday.
CBHS provides leadership in the development and oversight of the system of care of these services, ensuring contractual compliance and quality improvement.
CBHS provides information and assistance with referrals for children and youth with developmental disabilities/delays, intellectual disability (mental retardation), Autism Spectrum Disorders, and mental health disorders.
Crisis Hotline Services: 1-888-568-1112

For children with developmental or intellectual disabilities the following link provides contact information:
Programs and Services:

Was Your Child's CP Preventable?