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Maine Parent Federation / SPIN
The Maine Parent Federation, Inc. is a statewide private non-profit organization that provides information, advocacy, education, and training to parents and professionals to benefit all children. We promote individual aspirations and community inclusion for people with disabilities. In existence since 1984, MPF is physically located in Augusta Maine, but assistance is available on a statewide basis.
Maine Parent Federation/SPIN
Phone: (207) 623-2144
SPIN is a statewide project of the Maine Parent Federation, serving parents and professionals who are concerned about issues related to children and young adults with disabilities. The office is located in Manchester, Maine. Visitors are welcome. Professional and experienced staff members are available to answer requests for information or to help parents find the answers to more complex problems. SPIN also collaborates with parent organizations, state agencies and other organizations in Maine to expand opportunities available to families. Staff at SPIN provide one-on-one information to parents and professionals concerning needed services, educational rights, and specific disabilities through a toll free statewide telephone number, 1-800-870-SPIN(7746).
SPIN also maintains a TDD, a telecommunication device for individuals with hearing impairments