Maniilaq Assocation Village Clinics – Noatak Clinic – ALASKA

Address: P.O. Box 90
Noatak, AK 99761
Phone: (907) 485-2162 Fax: (907) 4852193 Website:

Noatak, or Nautaaq in Inupiaq, is 55 miles north of Kotzebue and 70 miles north of the Arctic Circle.  currently has four general stores, a post office, community hall, and a village clinic operated by Maniilaq Association. 

Contacting Noatak

Noatak Tribal Council
Phone: 907-485-2173 or
Fax: 907-485-2137


Noatak Clinic
Phone: 907-485-2162
Fax: 907-485-2193


Noatak School
Phone: 907-485-2153
Fax: 907-485-215

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